About Nansen

We’re a passionate team driven by a shared belief: Exceptional web experiences go beyond functionality.

At Nansen, we're more than a web design and development agency. We ignite curiosity, forge connections, and leave a lasting impression — because we believe in the power of human connection, even in a digital world.

Our name, Nansen, honors the pioneering spirit of Fridjtof Nansen, a renowned explorer and scientist.

Nansen wasn't afraid to challenge the status quo. In the late 1800s, he embarked on a groundbreaking expedition across Greenland, not following the well-worn path but forging a new one westward.

Like Nansen, we believe the best path forward isn't always the most obvious. We combine our expertise with a touch of imagination to craft exceptional customer experiences that get results.

We believe in building genuine connections with our clients. We take the time to understand your unique goals and challenges. Then, we embark on a collaborative journey with you, navigating the digital landscape as your trusted guide.

"I can't say enough good things about the Nansen team. They provide wonderful support and guidance and take the time to make sure all decisions are well thought out and will work for everyone involved."

Carrie Hutchinson - Director of Marketing & BrandRe:wild


We’re on a constant quest for fresh ideas and better solutions, exploring how we can push boundaries to achieve your unique goals.


Like Fridjtof Nansen, we take an unconventional approach. We combine our expertise with creative thinking to craft unique solutions that deliver impactful results for your business.


We design with real people in mind, creating smooth and engaging experiences that keep your customers coming back for more.


We’re on a constant quest for fresh ideas and better solutions, exploring how we can push boundaries to achieve your unique goals.

Our Expertise & Services

"The Nansen team has been great to work with. Their commitment to delivering a superior, user-centered mobile experience built on open communication makes them an ideal partner."

Mark Fagiano - Senior E-Commerce DirectorRoad Scholar

Ready to Chart Your Course to Digital Success?

Let’s discuss how we can help you achieve your digital transformation goals.

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