Why work with us?


42.6043° & 51.527°

The freedom to explore is the secret to our success.

It's central to our culture and our values as a company. It's our shared passion as a team, and how we are able to consistently produce work that we are proud of, and that surprises and delights our clients.

Latitude is why we created Nansen Product Labs

A division of Nansen dedicated to innovation–time set aside every week for small teams to work on whatever it is they are excited about in the spirit of exploration.

Read more about Nansen Product Labs

Latitude is why we created NAPC

NAPC, Nansens Awesome Premium Conference, is an annual gathering where we travel somewhere together and focus on connecting as a team, sharing inspiration and education.

Read more about NAPC

Latitude is realized every day at Fika

A cherished Swedish tradition of taking time during the day to convene, drink coffee (or tea, if you prefer), have a treat, and catch up with each other. Where coffee breaks are about escaping, Fika is about coming together.

Our Latitude is





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