The new experience of the clients website

Pet Food Leader Goes Mobile-First with Improved Site and Robust App Support

A premium pet food brand with more than $1 billion in annual sales and 10,000 retail partners sought to create a digital ecosystem that would help expand its customer and retail base.

Mobile & App
Digital Transformation

The Impact







The Challenge

A premium pet food brand with more than $1 billion in annual sales and 10,000 retail partners sought to create a digital ecosystem that would help expand its customer and retail base. While the existing website was successful in attracting new customers with its popular coupon request feature and product comparison tool, the company recognized an opportunity to increase conversions across all audiences with more targeted, multi-channel engagement.

The Process

To begin its digital transformation, the brand partnered with Nansen to replatform its existing website from a proprietary CMS to Episerver (now rebranded as Optimizely). The move to a best-in-class CMS streamlined the content creation process and improved visitor engagement: new, clear calls to action at key points along the buyer journey led to a 25% jump in completions of a product-comparison tool and a 6% increase in coupon requests.

In addition to creating a new, mobile-first website, Nansen developed an API and bespoke customer database housing more than 1.5 million records with an intuitive interface to record retailers, coupon requests, and other customer and pet data. Connected to a front-end store search, the database serves as the source of truth for customer records while the API enables connection between the website, database, email management, coupon fulfillment, and other third party systems and partners.

Dog sitting in a field

The Solution

Following the original website overhaul, the brand looked to Nansen to help them increase engagement with their mobile app. As a tool for helping customers track their pets’ activities and earn shopping rewards, the app was an important element of the company’s new, multi-channel approach, but it lacked the robust website support that customers might look for.

First, Nansen worked to simplify the way that customers could access the app through the website, beginning with a Branch implementation that allowed website visitors to open and download the app just by entering their phone number or scanning a QR code. This removed barriers to app engagement, creating a more seamless customer experience.

Next, Nansen collaborated with the pet food retailer to develop informative and engaging website content that showcased the capabilities and benefits of the app. The new pages included explanatory video content, app screenshots, and more—customers who were considering downloading it were thus given a compelling peek into the experience.

In the client's own words

The Result

Nansen helped the brand transform its digital experience from one static website to a mobile-first ecosystem that fosters an enhanced customer experience for veterinarian partners, pet owners, and retailers.

Over more than 8 years of collaboration, Nansen has served as an extension of the brand’s team, as strategic and technical advisors and subject matter experts to help oversee multiple redesigns and enhancements to apps and other digital platforms—always with an eye on continual, incremental improvement.

The pet food leader, together with Nansen, continuously analyzes data from multiple sources including heat maps and customer surveys to ensure effective optimization of its digital strategy and continued success in building and activating strong communities of brand advocates. Most recently, Nansen oversaw a redesign of the brand’s main website including updates to the CMS to keep the digital experience fast, robust, and meaningful for all site visitors.

Through its partnership with Nansen, the company has extended its digital ecosystem to improve engagement and support, thereby increasing customers’ and partners’ emotional investment in the brand.


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